Here are five things we want to share with you this week to help you become the-best-version-of yourself. 1. 6 Ways to Reduce Multi-Tasking and Avoid Burnout according to Matthew Kelly.
2. Did You Know? A third of all Fortune 500 companies utilize Executive Coaching as standard leadership development for their elite executives and talented up-and-comers. (The Hay Group) 3. Our next Dream Manager Certification is taking place on July 28th & 29th. Click here to discover how this life-changing program is the key to creating a dynamic culture in your organization. 4. The Secret to Business according to Matthew Kelly. Floyd Coaching Client Experience: "Something I'm proud of achieved during my coaching experience so far is growing in my ability to help those I'm coaching develop a deeper appreciation of themselves and how to enrich their lives. A great coach needs a coach." Schedule a call with a Floyd Coach today and discover how investing in a coach will help you become the-best-version-of-yourself. Dream Big, The Floyd Team
P.S. If you missed the last edition, you can find it on our blog.