Here are five things we want to share with you this week to help you become the-best-version-of yourself.
1. Matthew Kelly shares his thoughts on the meaning of life in just sixty seconds.
2. Did You Know? Eight out of ten employees leave a job because they do not feel appreciated. When was the last time you encouraged a coworker, thanked a team member for helping you with a project, or offered an exciting training opportunity to help them grow?
3. If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity, do this!
4. Nobody achieves excellence at anything without coaching. Schedule a call with a Floyd coach today.
5. "Inspiration plays a critical role in our lives. It can be the difference between feeling fully alive and the drudgery of slogging your way through another day. What inspires you?" - Matthew Kelly, Life is Messy
P.S. If you missed the last edition, you can find it on our blog.
Dream Big,
The Floyd Team