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Webinar: Building a Dynamic Culture In Times of Crisis

During this unprecedented time, everyone is trying to adjust to the myriad of changes around them. From social distancing to a fluctuating economy, the lack of control can be overwhelming. Is it possible to create a dynamic culture in your organization amidst the looming chaos?

Right now, leaders are being forced to make tough decisions, and some will lead to a loss of income, even for their best employees. With so much uncertainty and fear in our world today, is it possible to create a healthy culture where people still enjoy working together to achieve great things?

In Matthew Kelly’s book, The Culture Solution, he shares six immutable principles of a dynamic culture. He was very intentional when selecting the word immutable because these principles are unchanging. They were true twenty years ago, they will be true twenty years from now, and they are true today even with the current upheaval.

The Floyd team is dedicated to helping you step up as a leader. Your people are craving certainty, so be bold. While you cannot predict the future, you can put their mind at ease by leading with confidence.

We will allow time for Q&A at the end of the presentation. We hope you’ll join us to discuss how you can keep everyone on your team engaged and focused.

Stay healthy and safe.


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